
Parkour Classes

We are following an American standard module of teaching parkour. Our teachers consists of the judges of the Malaysian freerunning championship, the winner of international levels of competition whom have represented Malaysia and professional performers.

You can get more details: Follow Abudi Alsagoff

Alpha Movements

We have classes that focuses on the need of different groups of audience. We have students from children until working class of people. We also cater night classes as well.

We also have modules for training the trainers. Where we will give certifications to those that completes our trainer modules and will be certified to become a parkour trainer.

Email us for more info on the fees and schedules with the exact information that you needed.


83 Responses to “Parkour Classes”

  • Hi, can i know the fees and where are your classes located. And i am only 154 cm and 41 kg, is it suitable to do parkour? Please reply as soon as possible thank you!

  • saya nak meryertai porkour ini dan saya berminat untuk ketahui nya lebih lanjut

  • HI

    Would like to find out about beginner classes and what are the fees like?


  • I’m interested to join this park our class. How much fees that I need to pay for the parkour class

  • berminat untuk kelas pengajar, boleh tolong emailkan yuran dan jadual? thanks

  • I need to know the location n fees

  • dekat ampang ade tidak class parkour

  • boleh tolong emailkan yuran dan jadual?

  • berapa bayaran dan kelas terletak kat mana?

  • im intrested in this class. email or inform me the fees and all schedules. hopefully register in this class next yr

  • berapa yuran tahunan ? kelas kat mana? email me a.s.a.p

  • Halo, have been interested on this extreme sport. If can I would like to join. Please assist on schedule and fees. Thanks a million.

    Warm Regards

  • I need a detail about AlphaParkour.. because i’m really interested in Parkour

  • Can i knw about the class n the fees? Im interested in this class

  • interested and would like to know about the fees, schedule for beginner. Thank you

  • Hi i’d like to know the fees and schedule?? Absolute beginner, interested in learning

  • assalamualaikum. tumpang tnya, kt pahang, Kuantan ada kelas untuk training parkour tak ? kalau ada tolong emailkan ke saya dan beritahu yuran dan tempat dekat mana. tq

  • I do like to know more about this, where is the class held and what is the fees of it. I am very interesting on joining u guys. 🙂

  • boleh sy thu berapa fee and bulanan or tahunan. Satu lagi kat mne venue kelas tuh. Sy ad sedikit asas dlm sports ni. Skrg cme nk jd lebih expert. Terima kasih.

  • Salam..Berapa bayaran untuk yuran..

  • Macam mana dengan yuran ya?boleh bagi details semuanya..saya ni memang zero pasal parkour..tapi saya berminat dalam bidang ni..

  • May I know about the fees please ?

  • may i know about the fee and where your classes is located

  • Boleh tak saya nak tahu located dimana and nak tau berape yurannya

  • I sent you an email before regarding classes but haven’t got a reply yet, where are your classes located? And what are the fees? And what’s the schedule?

  • Assalamualaikum,

    Boleh saya tahu alamat kelas, lokasi, jadual kelas dan yuran. Wassalam


  • Assalammualaikum,

    Boleh saya tahu maklumat umum berkenaan alamat kelas, lokasi, jadual kelas dan yuran. Wassalam


  • Hi! I would like to know how much is the class fee and how old do i have to be in order to attend this class. Thanks

  • Fees and Schedule?

  • saya nak taya dekat kajang ada tak saya nak masuk terima kasi

  • can i know where is that training place and fee

    • Hi! Have you ever got any answer to your questions about parkour classes? I’m trying to contact them as well with no success so far…

  • beri info tentang

  • Hi saya nak belajar parkour boleh emailkan templat, jadual dan yuran? saya seorang vegetarian kalau belajar parkour ada masalah ke?

  • Hi there, may i know what will i learn and more details about the parkour class? Please reply ASAP, thanks!! 🙂

  • any parkour class for ladies?

  • Hi! What are the fees and class schedule? I have no experience and want to learn basics

  • how can i join this team?
    cause heard this team can make use challge our self,feel free…
    hope this can team can answer..
    im 16 from selangor..

  • Hi, I’m interested on this. Can i knw what is the training place and the fees?

  • saya berminat untuk menyertai parkour tetapi saya nak belajar skill parkour yang lebih menarik dan gempak.

  • salam, Boleh saya tahu berapa yuran , lokasi tmpt belajar, jadual dan requirment dari segi tubuh badan.

  • How much is the cost to join the parkour class and when do we start the classes

  • Hi, may I know about the fees, schedule and location ?

  • how i want to join this team ?

  • sye tringin sngt nk msok…tlg la email sye…tmpat..yuran..kelas…

    terima kasih

  • saya amat berminat untk mnyertainyaa tp msh ddlm beginner class blh ke smpai Pro brumur 16 thun asl Kelantan

    • Contigo aprendo que do menos se pode fazer o melhor e mais saboroso, que numa cozinha que se preze não há lugar para pressas e que há sempre truques e soluções que nos permitem ulo.apassar-ntsr..A este vou regressar mais vezes, já sei, para que possa absorver a mensagem toda…Obrigada e beijinhos.

  • safety and peace… i would like to know where will be the class and the price i need to pay for the training as a new Novice.. just so you know im 14 years old girl… is that acceptable for your classes atleast?

  • Hai.asslammualaikum
    Saya teringin sangat nak bermain parkour.
    Boleh saya tahu alamat.lokasi.yuran.kelas.


  • kat mane ade kelab pakour

  • assalamualaikum,nak tau lebih lanjut kelas parkour ni

  • berapa yuran dan dimana kelas dia ye??

  • Hello, I’m recently new but I’m interested in Parkour, may i have some detail explanation about the classes ex. the place, fees and courses???

    • Zgadzam siÄ™! Jestem jednÄ… z tych osób zmuszanych do WF-u. Zawsze siÄ™ przed tymi zajÄ™ciami stamsowaÅ‚re, baÅ‚am, bo nie byÅ‚am tak sprawna jak inne dziewczyny, trzeba byÅ‚o siÄ™ przebrać w krótkie spodnie, ja zawsze miaÅ‚am problem z tuszÄ…. CzÄ™sto wÅ‚aÅ›nie na tym przedmiocie byÅ‚am wyÅ›miewana i robiÅ‚am wszystko, żeby albo nie [przyjść albo zapomnieć stroju. Dzisiaj mam już prawie 40 lat i nie znoszÄ™ sportu, prowadzÄ™ nieaktywny tryb życia.

  • kat mana ada class parkour nii..??
    kat perak ade x …??
    sebap sys nk sngt blaja Back flip & segala flip nii ….
    so badly

  • Dekat mane tempat belajar parkour nii

  • Assalamualaikum…saya nak tahu pasal yuran dan schedule untuk ini….saya minat parkour dan sya nk ketahui nya lebih lanjut…

  • age brape?

  • Saya berminat…boleh emilkan yuran,lokasi kelas dan jadual?thanks.

  • Saya berminat nk belajar parkour.saya tinggal di wangsa maju.kat mana lokasi kelas?

  • why isnt the inquiries here getting any replies?
    if you guys are serious abt promoting parkour, the least you can do is hire proper staffs that answers inquiries.

    • This is adarbole! I really wish you all the best of luck, and thanks so much for the follow, i will love following your pregnancy along and cant wait too see photos of the little titch! goodluck! xx

  • Hi, I interested in learning parkour. May I please know where the training will be held and details about the classes? Thanh You.

  • sounds good. Just wondering were you exact location is???

  • Hello, do you accept other gender member such as girls to join in?

    If so, could you email me the place, fees and the timetable. Do you accept beginners?

    Interested in parkour after playing Assassin’s Creed and watched the Assassin’s Creed parkour videos.

    Plus. I would like to know what type of sport shoes should I buy to do parkour.

    Thanks. uwu

  • macam mana saya nak sertai ? ada bayaran? di mana?
    terima kasih.

  • nak join kelas ni

  • saya nak join kelab parkour malaysia boleh x

  • can you email me the details on classes times and location together with the fee?

  • I want to learn parkour and freeruning plz tell me where you teach the parkour In kuantan

  • Where the classes and how much

  • Where the class and fees?

  • I’m interesting in parkour and would join parkour classes as soon as i can. But first i need to know the fees and locations.Pls reply as soon as possible.

  • Anak saya berusia 7 thn bermunat nak belajar secr serius tp tiada asas lg. Mcm mn nak join, yuran & jadual kelas yg berhampiran dgn tmpt tggl kami di Putrajaya. Tq

  • how do i want to join this parkour class and how much it cost me

  • Saya nak tahu berapa yuran dan ada di mana

  • heyy guys…whatspp..i want know wht time u all have a class..because me and my team want training to you place..and where is the location..

  • Hi, may I know the fee & location? & the class schedule.

    Thank you.

  • Hi, I am interested to know about the class and fees of parkour for beginner. Kindly send me an email.

  • can i know the fees n where is the location of the studio?im interesting of it.

  • Hi I will like to know what is the age to join?

  • Hi, may i know how much is the fees for beginner and where the classes is?

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