Team Alpha Movements di Melaka bersama Red Bull!
Recently the Alpha Team went to Malacca for a shooting with Jason Paul (World’s Freerunning Champion). Learning parkour and training with world’s best freerunner is a one in a life time chance! We seized the opportunity right off to improve our parkour skills! Melaka is well known for it’s historical structures and buildings. Beautiful parkour and freerunning shots were made and all of us had the awesome opportunity to meet up with Jason who is the coolest freerunner ever! We spent 3 days 2 nights in Melaka scaling old buildings and Jason making the awesome video shots and picture shots.
We learned a lot from Jason Paul and got the chance to jam with him in Putrajaya, our usual spot the Dataran Gemilang, parkour haven in Malaysia. Jason also taught us a few techniques tweaking and shared with us his tips for certain moves.
Here’s the final product of the awesome video after the break!
Jason Paul runs Malacca (Red Bull Official Site)
Pretty sick, eh?