
Why practice Parkour?


Rooftop jump in Malaysia

Rooftop jump in Malaysia

We can see that many people are practising parkour these days, AND ALSO many people want to start. However, you will find millions that don’t, and so why bother practising parkour some may ask?

Parkour requires amazing levels involving self motivation to help you achieve things most people ever dream off. Parkour builds confidence within yourself and in a way that lasts longer, IN ADDITION TO that it can be satisfying. Parkour isn’t for those that are bounded with philosophies, theories or movements boundaries, saying this is Parkour or that isn’t Parkour, will make you less of a free minded person. You’ll gain far further confidence from improving your body composition, producing life-long friends, knowing your current limits, thinking with the additional positive way and all about how an individual treat the body. Lastly, being in a position to express yourself in a good positive way.

You may be thinking, what does parkour provide than other sports. To begin with, Parkour have no service fees, to be able to pay nothing in order to begin your training; You can start throughout any comfortable clothes or even trainers, but right after anyone take it serious we would suggest investing in a few functioning trainers. Another thing is that parkour can be practised any time and anywhere, this can be entirely up for you as a person to be able to recognize how easily or slowly people improve; no single person out there but yourself can make you add accuracy, become powerful or maybe more agile.

A big bonus while practising parkour, is that it has a good chance to improve yourself physically. During training, you are building your muscles, simply via doing something fun! There’s absolutely no need to Navigate to the gym because numerous practitioners combine catered movement training with conditioning to be able to build muscle in order to increase the agility.

Parkour also improves mental strength. The mental training is important, for all of us. You will find what is hard back then, will be easier and now possible after several times of training! There are just tons and tons of benefits really to parkour. Making your body becomes more aware to the surrounding, being able to ‘fall’ safely anywhere and anytime.

Like what we always said, “You must learn how to fall before you can learn how to fly!”



Ramai orang mengamalkan Parkour hari ini, DAN JUGA ramai orang ingin memulakan. Walau bagaimanapun, anda akan mendapati berjuta-juta yang tidak, dan sebagainya mengapa mengganggu Parkour amalan?

Parkour memerlukan tahap menakjubkan melibatkan motivasi diri untuk membantu anda mencapai perkara yang kebanyakan orang pernah bermimpi luar. Parkour membina keyakinan dalam diri sendiri dan dengan cara yang tahan lebih lama, SEBAGAI TAMBAHAN KEPADA bahawa ia boleh memuaskan. Parkour tidak bagi orang-orang yang terikat dengan falsafah, teori atau pergerakan sempadan, mengatakan ini adalah Parkour atau yang tidak Parkour, akan membuatkan anda kurang orang yang berfikiran bebas. Anda akan mendapat keyakinan yang jauh lagi daripada meningkatkan komposisi badan anda, menghasilkan kawan sepanjang hayat, mengetahui had semasa anda, berfikir dengan cara tambahan positif dan semua tentang bagaimana seorang individu merawat badan. Akhir sekali, berada dalam kedudukan untuk meluahkan diri anda dengan cara yang positif yang baik.

Anda mungkin berfikir, apakah Parkour peruntukan daripada sukan lain. Untuk memulakan dengan, Parkour tidak mempunyai yuran perkhidmatan, untuk menjadi mampu untuk membayar apa-apa untuk memulakan latihan anda; Anda boleh mula di seluruh mana-mana pakaian yang selesa atau malah jurulatih, tetapi sejurus selepas sesiapa mengambil serius kita akan cadangkan melabur dalam beberapa jurulatih berfungsi . Satu lagi perkara ialah Parkour boleh diamalkan bila-bila masa dan di mana sahaja, ini boleh menjadi terpulang untuk anda sebagai orang yang akan dapat mengenali bagaimana mudah atau perlahan-lahan orang memperbaiki; tiada orang tunggal di luar sana tetapi sendiri boleh membuat anda menambah ketepatan, menjadi kuat atau mungkin lebih tangkas.

Satu bonus besar manakala mengamalkan Parkour, adalah bahawa ia mempunyai peluang yang baik untuk memperbaiki diri dari segi fizikal. Semasa latihan, anda sedang membina otot anda, hanya melalui melakukan sesuatu yang menyeronokkan! Ada benar-benar tidak perlu untuk Navigate ke gym kerana pengamal pelbagai menggabungkan disediakan latihan pergerakan dengan penyaman dapat untuk membina otot untuk meningkatkan ketangkasan.

Parkour juga meningkatkan kekuatan mental. Latihan mental adalah penting, untuk kita semua. Anda akan mendapati apa yang sukar ketika itu, akan menjadi lebih mudah dan kini mungkin selepas beberapa kali latihan! Terdapat hanya tan dan tan faedah benar-benar Parkour. Membuat badan anda menjadi lebih peka kepada persekitaran, dapat untuk ‘jatuh’ selamat di mana-mana dan bila-bila masa.

Seperti apa yang kita selalu berkata, “Anda mesti belajar bagaimana untuk jatuh sebelum anda boleh belajar bagaimana untuk terbang!”



8 Responses to “Why practice Parkour?”

  • I m interested in parkour…my concern is what is the suitable age off learning parkour…im 33 and want to start a activr life style…is it ok for me to learn or its to late..

    • Parkour is for all age.

      • This movie is really funny. I complained watching this at firsthonestly, my wife wanted to see the film. I thought it would be adreadful Four Weddings and a Funeral indie. But right in I fell for themovie. The movie is silly and funny and a bit absurd in the best ways.Perhaps in script form maybe it wouldnt have sounded so great butreally this film is a great 90 minutes of entertainment. Frank Oz hasmade some classics and this right up there with them. Some proctousvemmenis about the film being homophobic are absolutely ridiculous

    • no one is too late for parkour..but still,know your current limits and improve yourself bits by bits..start off with moves that you can confidently and safely execute..then keep on going at your own pace..

  • i love parkour damn much!but duno where to learn it

  • I just 10 years old.Maybe in 10 years i can became a professional in parkour! I love very much parkour

  • I want to start learning parkour . But i cant find an instructor near me .

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